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A Day at Camp

It’s hard to describe a day at camp, as no single day at Moshava Ba’ir looks the same!

Our days are filled with specialty activities, unique camp-wide programming, events, trips and so much more. We can guarantee that each day is filled with excitement, ruach, fun and learning something new!

To get a taste of all we have to offer check out our programming highlights below. Our well-rounded program allows every child to feel engaged and shine.


Sports Program

At Moshava Ba’ir we offer a fully loaded sports program. Sports activities take place both indoors in our state of the art gym, as well as outdoors in the numerous fields on campus. Daily schedules are developed to balance indoor to outdoor activities, as well as with bunks’ preferences in mind— providing more sports for our sports-oriented campers. Our sports program is comprised of skills and drills along with games and scrimmages. Our sports staff are all well-trained to teach proper form and ensure a fun time for all!  Our sports include: Basketball, Hockey, Dodgeball, Baseball, Kickball, Archery, Track & Field, Volleyball, Football, Tennis, & Fencing.
Every day, the children learn Torah in a very fun, experiential way from a warm, professional teacher during their 30 minute chinuch activity. What makes our chinuch program special is not only what takes place during that time, but our ability to extend those ideas, concepts, and values into other daily camp activities such as in arts and crafts, woodworking, and STEM. The end result? Children building meaningful connections to Torah ideas and values in fun hands-on ways in more than just the classroom setting. This approach helps inspire many children, from a young age, to continue their involvement with Bnei Akiva, often going to a Bnei Akiva sleep-away camp, and ultimately emerging as leaders and advocates with strong Jewish values and unwavering devotion to Israel.
Camp trips are an exciting and significant part of Moshava Ba’ir. Aside from breaking up the week with exciting adventures, a camp trip also lends itself to wonderful learning and growth opportunities. Children learn how to safely travel in a group, be responsible for themselves and their friends and of course have a great time! Of course, all trips are well-supervised and the staff are well-trained to ensure safety as a priority. Trips vary by age group; some of our yearly trips include: Local Hikes, Overnight, Treehouse World, Turkey Hill and Bowling.
In addition to the regular programming, trips, and theme days, we also have exciting events that take place throughout the summer. On Fridays, we get ready for Shabbat by coming together for oneg Shabbat with treats, singing, and dancing. Other summer highlights include our special camp-wide assemblies, on campus entertainment like Dr. Schnitzel. We also have parent child learning, night activities.
In addition to the typical camp activities – peulot, Moshava Ba’ir also boasts a wide range of Anafim –  Specialities. Many of the Anafim are tied to the summer theme; they are engaging, unique, and interactive and help bring the lessons to life. Our Anafim include: Moadon, Bishul – Cooking, Afiya – Baking, STEM, Woodworking, Melechet Yad – Art, Rikkud – Dance, Music.
Pool Safety To enable our youngest campers to feel safe and comfortable, we have tot docks which support them so they can stand. At the same time, all the madrichim go in with our youngest campers. We have 1 head lifeguard (WSI certified) at the pool at all times, that works with a team of High School lifeguards (LGT certified). For many children, Moshava Ba’ir is where they learn to swim! We provide ongoing communication with parents and a mid-summer update on their child’s swimming progress.

Every day, 9am - 4pm

Daily Bunk-Tailored Schedules

Every bunk has their own schedule, which is different every day. This keeps camp fresh and exciting with 9 peulot (activities) every day. We share the schedule with the children in the morning and they are always so excited to see it!

Bunk Units

Campers are divided into Eidot – age groups. Within each Eidah there are multiple bunks. Starting in Eidah Aleph, going into 1st Grade, bunks are separated by girls and boys. Most activities are by bunk; there are also eidah-wide programs and activities, providing opportunities to interact with friends in other bunks throughout the week.